PREP: Condition for admission
Britt Mazorra
Freshman Programs Manager
Pre-Engineering Program Manager
Is PREP a condition for your admission? You’re in the right place! Here you will learn more about the program, frequently asked questions and fill out the form to confirm that you’ll be joining us for the program. Meet some of our past “PREP-ies” and hear why they enjoyed being a part of program.
The Pre-Engineering Program (PREP) begins with a three week summer program offered to incoming Berkeley Engineering students. PREP continues throughout the year with professional development opportunities, community building events, and a PREP seminar you can take for units that will set you up for success. We in Engineering Student Services prioritize the 4 C’s: Community, Collaboration, Capital, and Confidence. Through this program, you will build Community with like-minded peers, learn how to Collaborate with others in your learning and design process, develop the professional and cultural Capital necessary to navigate the engineering world, and gain Confidence in your skills and growth as a Berkeley Engineer!
PREP is one of the many support services offered by Engineering Student Services. Through the generous support of our corporate partners, PREP is provided at no cost to participating students.
There are three main thrusts of Berkeley Engineering’s Pre-Engineering Program:
- Academic component: You will attend classes in subjects like math, chemistry, and computer science in order to build a solid foundation before going into your freshman year. These classes are crafted to teach you critical prerequisite knowledge you’ll need for classes you’ll be taking in the Fall and beyond. During these classes, you’ll engage in a connected and collaborative learning community with your peers, all while setting yourself up for academic success.
- Professional development component: Even if you have never created a resume, you’ll be ready to hit the ground running just in time for UC Berkeley’s fall career fairs. Landing your Dream Job is a journey and it starts at PREP!
- Design component: You will work with engineering Professor Scott Moura in the Jacobs Institute of Design Innovation. Working with a team, you will create a prototype using the SPRINT design process. At the end of the program you’ll showcase your product at the Design Expo to industry representatives (such as Chevron and Micron) and Berkeley Engineering faculty.
What happens after PREP?
The PREP summer experience is just the beginning. In the Fall and Spring semesters, you’ll participate in a 2-unit seminar exclusively for PREP students.
When does PREP take place?
This year PREP takes place from July 22-August 9, 2024.
What is the cost of PREP?
Through the generous support of our sponsors — RECARE Foundation, Chevron, GM, Boeing and the College of Engineering — PREP is free to all participants. Lodging, food, books and class time are all provided. A small amount of spending money is all you’ll need.
What’s next?
Fill out our short questionnaire so we can get to know you better and get ready for you to begin an awesome four-years with Berkeley Engineering.
Is PREP in person or virtual?
This year’s program will be 100% in person
Will I need to bring any money with me?
There will be an outing or two during PREP, and you will need to buy your own lunch at one of them. You may also want money to buy basic necessities or to shop.
Do I need to reserve my PREP housing?
No, the PREP staff will reserve your PREP Summer Housing. You do not need to contact housing to reserve a room.
How will I know which classes to take in the fall?
All College of Engineering admits will participate Golden Bear Advising before PREP. This is designed to help you learn about the College of Engineering’s major requirements and help you select your first semester courses. After you complete GBA and then you can connect with your ESS Adviser once you have completed this to go over your proposed fall schedule. Don’t forget that as a PREP student you will also enroll in the fall PREP Seminar. Your ESS Adviser will help you incorporate this into your fall schedule.
Are books included in the program?
All required educational materials will be provided.
Where will I be staying during PREP? Will I be in my assigned residence hall room for the fall semester? If not, when will I move into my residence hall room?
You will be housed in a university residence hall with the other PREP participants. After the conclusion of the program, you will need to go home before moving into the residence hall for the fall semester.
Will I need somewhere to stay between the end of PREP and the move-in date for my specific residence hall?
Yes, after the conclusion of the program, you will need to go home before moving into the residence hall for the fall semester.
Is the program all day? Can I leave during the program for a family event or arrive after the first day?
You will not be able to leave during the program and must stay on campus each evening in their assigned residence hall room (no exceptions). You will be required to remain for the entire duration due to liability reasons; as well, absences would be disruptive to the educational process and community building.
Will I have free time during PREP?
You will have access to UC Berkeley’s Recreational Sports Facility during the program and there is some free time but the program schedule is quite packed so you may not work and take classes during the program.
Is there any cost to me to participate in PREP? Will housing and meals be provided?
Participation in PREP is completely free of charge — all meals and housing will be provided.
Can I commute to the program if I live close to campus?
No. An important component of PREP is community-building, so even local students are required to stay in their assigned residence hall room. Due to liability and safety reasons we cannot have you staying elsewhere.
If you have any other questions please reach out to Britt Mazorra.