Ernest S. Kuh Distinguished Lecture Series
Events and Programs
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Previous speakers:
Jennifer Doudna, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
Li Ka Shing Chancellor’s Chair and Professor in the Departments of Chemistry and of Molecular and Cell Biology, UC Berkeley
February 2, 2024
Dawn Tilbury (M.S. ’92, Ph.D. ’94 EECS), Chair, Robotics Department and associate vice president for research – convergence sciences, University of Michigan
Robotics: Working together, creating smart machines, serving society
October 24, 2022
Surbhi Sarna (B.A. ’07), Founder & CEO, nVision Medical
From Patient to Impatient Entrepreneur: The bumpy road to a multi-million dollar exit
March 5, 2020
John Georges (Ph.D. ’94 EECS), Partner, QMC Telecom
Dave Cutrer (Ph.D. ’98 EECS), CEO, Kumu Networks
From Cory Hall to Silicon Valley: Building a Startup that Thrives
April 16, 2019
Xiang Zhang (Ph.D.’96 ME), Professor of mechanical engineering and holder of the Ernest S. Kuh Endowed Chair in Engineering
Creating materials that do not exist in nature: Negative refraction, superlens and invisibility cloak
April 3, 2018
Zexiang Li (Ph.D.’89 EECS), Co-founder, DJI and professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
From Geometry to Startups – Reinventing Engineering Education
February 16, 2017
Gary S. May, Dean & Southern Company Chair, College of Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Broadening Participation in STEM: How Far We’ve Come, How Far We Have to Go
March 10, 2016
Wayne Dai, CEO, VeriSilicon Holdings, Co.
Building a China-based, Global High-Tech Company
February 19, 2015
Sehat Sutardja (Ph.D.’88 EECS), Co-founder, chairman and CEO, Marvell Technology Group
The Future of Technology Innovation
March 18, 2014
William P. Sullivan, CEO, Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Why the Century of Biology is Great for Engineering
March 14, 2013
Andrew S. Grove, Former chairman and CEO, Intel Corporation
Of Microchips and Men: Tales from the Translational Medicine Front
April 5, 2012