12/22/22 — Andrea Kritcher (M.S.’07, Ph.D.’09 NE) and Brian Spears (Ph.D.’04 ME) share their thoughts on the future of fusion research and how their time at Berkeley shaped their careers
02/25/22 — Nuclear engineering professor Karl van Bibber's research with plasmonic haloscopes could bolster physicists' new calculations of the mass of axions, a prime dark matter candidate
10/21/21 — Kammen, who holds joint appointments in energy and resources, public policy and nuclear engineering, will serve as senior adviser for energy, climate and innovation for the U.S. Agency for International Development.
06/07/21 Berkeley Lab — Joint study led by nuclear engineering's Rebecca Abergel maps potential toxicity of lanthanide metals used in medicine, electronics
02/16/21 — This is the consortium's third five-year, $25 million grant, allowing it to continue its mission of educating nuclear scientists and advancing nuclear technologies.
02/03/21 LBL — Experiments by Berkeley Lab scientists, co-led by nuclear engineering assistant professor Rebecca Abergel, reveal some unexpected properties of this highly radioactive element