05/24/22 — Berkeley Lab: Berkeley researchers show that the new material conducts heat 150% more efficiently, a result that could lead to smaller, faster computer processors
04/27/22 — The high efficiency, light weight and flexibility of the latest solar cell technology means photovoltaics could provide all the power needed for an extended mission to Mars, or even a permanent settlement there, according to a new analysis led by Berkeley engineers
03/09/22 — Work led by UC Berkeley researchers could lead to new generation of powerful, low-cost 3D sensors for autonomous cars, drones, robots, smartphones and more.
02/25/22 — Nuclear engineering professor Karl van Bibber's research with plasmonic haloscopes could bolster physicists' new calculations of the mass of axions, a prime dark matter candidate
02/11/22 — A $200 vinyl cutter can replace a multistep clean room technique to churn out the prototypes researchers need to rapidly test new stretchable sensors.
12/21/21 — Patrick Hsu, Berkeley assistant professor of bioengineering, and Silvana Konermann, Stanford assistant professor of biochemistry, are founding researchers of a new institute that aims to accelerate breakthroughs in complex diseases.
12/20/21 — EPA: Award to support engagement and better communication of health risks of underserved and marginalized groups in California’s San Francisco Bay Area.