Transfer-to-Excellence faculty hosts
The list of 2023 faculty hosts is a work in progress. Faculty participation is subject to change until application decisions are released in April.
2023 hosts and research areas
James Analytis
Research areas: Quantum criticality; Spintronics; Quantum magnetism; Unconventional superconductivity
Romy Chakraborty
Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Research areas: Anaerobic microbial physiology; microbial ecology; plant-microbe interactions; recovery and bioremediation of oil and other contaminants through microbes
Kosa Goucher-Lambert
Mechanical engineering
Research areas: Design theory, methodology, and automation: decision-making applied to engineering teams and individuals; ideation and creativity; analogical reasoning in design; preference modeling and design attribute optimization; design cognition; neuroimaging methods applied to design; sustainable design; new product development; crowdsourcing and collaboration
Grace Gu
Mechanical engineering
Research areas: Composites; additive manufacturing; fracture mechanics; topology optimization; machine learning; finite element analysis; bioinspired materials
Dan Klein
Electrical engineering & computer sciences
Research areas: Artificial intelligence; natural language processing; computational linguistics; machine learning
The TTE Intern will work with a graduate student co-advised by Professor Klein and Professor Jack Gallant.
Mark W. Mueller
Mechanical engineering
Research areas: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; dynamics and control; motion planning and coordination; state estimation and localization.
Grace O’Connell
Mechanical engineering
Research areas: Biomechanics of cartilage and intervertebral disc; tissue engineering; continuum modeling of soft tissues; intervertebral disc function, degeneration, and regeneration
Sayeef Salahuddin
Electrical engineering & computer sciences
Research areas: Spintronics; Negative capacitance; Voltage driven magnetism; Quantum transport modeling
Niloufar Salehi
School of Information; Electrical engineering & computer sciences
Research areas: social computing; participatory and critical design; human-centered AI; human-computer interaction.
Sanjit A. Seshia
Electrical engineering & computer sciences
Research areas: Cyber-physical systems and design automation; programming systems; artificial intelligence; control, intelligent systems, and robotics; security; theory; dependable computing; computational logic; formal methods.
Laura Waller
Electrical engineering & computer sciences
Research areas: Physical electronics; signal processing; biosystems and computational biology; graphics; computational imaging; optics
You can view examples of past intern projects done with these faculty members (and others).