02/11/21 Simons Institute — The L’Oréal-UNESCO honor for Goldwasser, director of the Simons Institute, comes on the International Day for Women & Girls in Science
02/10/21 BBVA Foundation — The UC Berkeley Turing laureate shares the prize, which includes 400,000 euros, with Stanford's John Hennessy for turning computer architecture into a science and designing the processors that power today’s devices.
12/08/20 Quanta Magazine — EECS professor Jelani Nelson designs clever algorithms to remember slivers of massive data sets; he also teaches kids in Ethiopia how to code
09/28/20 — Five new faculty members are joining the College of Engineering as faculty fellows, with ample funding to equip labs, hire graduate students and get their research projects up and running.
07/22/20 — Four EECS professors are featured in an IEEE Spectrum article about efforts to replace Moore's Law with a better metric to measure progress in semiconductors