Undergraduate academic programs
Aerospace engineering
Address major challenges in air transportation and space exploration.
Major: aerospace engineering
Minor: aerospace engineering
Apply physical sciences and mathematics in an engineering approach to biological systems.
Major: bioengineering
Minor: bioengineering
Civil and environmental engineering
Develop civil infrastructure and protect the environment.
Major: civil engineering
Minors: environmental engineering; geoengineering; structural engineering
Electrical engineering and computer sciences (EECS)
Combine the fundamentals of computer science and electrical engineering in one major.
Major: electrical engineering and computer sciences
Minors: computer science; electrical engineering and computer sciences; electronic intelligent systems
Engineering science program
A multidepartment and interdisciplinary program that links closely-related areas of physical and biological sciences, mathematics and engineering.
Majors: energy engineering; engineering mathematics and statistics; engineering physics; environmental engineering science
Minor: energy engineering
Industrial engineering and operations research
Develop creative analytical and computational methods that make system-level decisions concerning economic efficiency, productivity and quality.
Major: industrial engineering and operations research
Minor: industrial engineering and operations research
Materials science and engineering
Study all natural and manufactured materials that enable new technological breakthroughs and engineering advancements.
Major: materials science and engineering
Minor: materials science and engineering
Mechanical engineering
Understand all areas of energy production and transfer as well as the vast area of system design and control.
Major: mechanical engineering
Minor: mechanical engineering
Concentration (for MechE Majors): Aerospace Engineering
Nuclear engineering
Learn about nuclear processes and their role in medical diagnostics, applied research in superconducting magnetic systems and controlling nuclear fission to produce energy.
Major: nuclear engineering
Minor: nuclear engineering
Joint majors
Our joint major programs offer study in two major areas of engineering.
- Bioengineering/materials science and engineering
- EECS/materials science and engineering
- EECS/nuclear engineering
- Materials science and engineering/mechanical engineering
- Materials science and engineering/nuclear engineering
- Mechanical engineering/nuclear engineering
Special programs
Management, Entrepreneurship, & Technology (M.E.T.)
Prospective freshmen may apply directly to this program. In a four-year curriculum, students earn two Bachelor of Science degrees in one program that combines the best of the top-ranked College of Engineering and Haas School of Business. There are currently six tracks in the M.E.T. program:
- Aerospace Engineering + Business
- Bioengineering + Business
- Civil engineering + Business
- Electrical engineering & computer sciences + Business
- Industrial engineering & operations research + Business
- Materials science & engineering + Business
- Mechanical engineering + Business
- Engineering-undeclared + Business
The M.E.T. program is not available to incoming transfer students.
Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Technology
The Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology is where aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators take deep dives into the world of technology entrepreneurship and innovation, and continue on the path to developing exciting new ventures. SCET offers a suite of technology entrepreneurship courses and programs that teach the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and help students build the future of new technologies such as blockchain, alternative meat, artificial intelligence, social technology entrepreneurship, and internet and data and privacy. Students can earn a Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Technology by taking the required depth and breadth of SCET courses.
Certificate in Design Innovation
The Berkeley Certificate in Design Innovation assumes that innovation will not come from any one discipline, but rather from the meaningful integration of methods, technologies, knowledge, and thought from a wide range of disciplines. As such, the certificate connects the design approaches and disciplines from four schools (College of Engineering, College of Environmental Design, College of Letters and Science – Arts and Humanities Division, and the Haas School of Business) to ensure that students know how to innovate. The program trains students to take responsibility for the entire life cycle of innovation, from idea to execution and beyond. The course sequence for the certificate consists of four courses: one foundation, two design skills, and one advanced design.
Other engineering and engineering-related majors at Berkeley:
College of Chemistry:
- Chemical engineering
- Chemical engineering/Materials science & engineering
- Chemical engineering/Nuclear engineering
College of Letter and Sciences: