On mentorship
Dear Berkeley Engineering alumni,
We’re excited to bring you the Fall 2021 issue of the Berkeley Engineering alumni newsletter! After more than one year of remote education, we’re cautiously gathering again on campus to learn, discover, collaborate and innovate together. A lesson learned through the events of the past year is the importance of a resilient and supportive community — in Berkeley and around the world.
Fostering a welcoming and inclusive community is one of my top priorities for the College of Engineering. This can be facilitated by offering personalized mentorship to our students and training them to become effective mentors themselves, which is the inspiration behind the Berkeley Mentorship Cohort program that was launched this semester thanks to the generous support of Berkeley Engineering alumnus Andrew Yang (B.S.’83 EECS). Mentoring is an excellent way to connect our alumni with current students to share knowledge and best practices across generations.
The theme for this issue of BEar News is mentorship. I hope you’ll be inspired by the stories within to reach out and reconnect with us, giving our current students the opportunity to learn from your personal academic experiences and career paths.
Speaking of reconnecting, we recently celebrated Reunion and Parents Weekend at Homecoming and are delighted to include a few photos taken of Berkeley Engineering community members enjoying their return to campus. Several of our alumni recently received campus volunteer awards, so we’ve also included some shots from the award celebration.
Berkeley Engineering’s reputation is built largely on the success and impact of its alumni. We’re so proud and grateful for your contributions to the college and to society! Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome; please send them directly to our Engagement Programs Office at bears@berkeley.edu.
Fiat Lux – and Go Bears!
Tsu-Jae King Liu
Dean and Roy W. Carlson Professor of Engineering