Hiroshi Terata
M.S. `69 Civil Engineering
Owner of TeraMatsu
Hometown: Yokohama, Japan
Job description
Consulting Engineer & Architect
Current project that excites you
I am currently giving myself over to proposing technologies of a torsion type super large storm gate installed in a sluice for water flow or ships. The gate accommodates high tide water, tsunami, high water (reverse flow from a main river to a tributary stream), ocean waves etc. My main targets at present are storm surge barriers of the United States. Concerning details of the technology, please refer to my homepage “teramatsu.com”.
Skills learned at Cal
Structural engineering.
Favorite form of exercise
I take a 30-50 minute walk in the morning and in the evening every day. There are 16 walking courses around my house. Each course is round so that I can take clock-wise and anti-clock-wise walks.
Fondest memory from Cal
Musical performance trainings in a chamber orchestra of Orinda Oakland. I myself used to be a violinist at that time.
What keeps you enthusiastic about your job
Circumstances in which I was growing up.
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