2014-15 Engineering Undeclared
Engineering Student Services
230 Bechtel Engineering Center # 1702
Berkeley, CA 94720-1702
(510) 642-7594
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
230 Bechtel Engineering Center #1702
(510) 642-7594
Program Overview
The engineering-undeclared lower division program is for students who are interested in pursuing an engineering education but are undecided on a particular major within the college. Students admitted to the program enjoy the benefit of a team comprised of an adviser from Engineering Student Services and faculty from each major. Together they help students in the program explore their academic interests, understand and complete requirements and select a major. The first year engineering curriculum is supplemented with introductory seminars and courses intended to generate enthusiasm for and develop a better understanding of the different engineering fields. Students admitted to the program can declare as early as their second semester and must declare a major by the end of their fourth semester. If in good academic standing (2.000 overall and semester GPA) students may choose from any of the College of Engineering majors.
Course | Fall | Spring |
Freshman Year | ||
Chemistry 1A and 1AL-General Chemistry or Chemistry 4A-General Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis(1) |
Freshman Engineering Course(2) |
Engineering 7-Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists & Engineers(3) |
Mathematics 1A-Calculus |
Mathematics 1B-Calculus |
Physics 7A-Physics for Scientists and Engineers |
Reading and Composition Course from List A(4) |
Reading and Composition Course from List B(4) |
Engineering 92-Perspectives in Engineering(5) |
Total |
Sophomore Year | ||
Mathematics 53-Multivariable Calculus |
Mathematics 54-Linear Algebra and Differential Equations |
Physics 7B-Physics for Scientists and Engineers |
Humanities/Social Science Course(4) |
Requirements for Intended Major (Fall)(6) |
Requirements for Intended Major (Spring)(6) |
Total |
1Chemistry 4A is for students majoring in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or a closely related field. Students considering a change of College to Chemistry/Chemical Engineering should take Chem 4A; all other students should take Chem1A/1AL.
2Choose one course from the following list: Interested in Mec Eng, Mat Sci, or IEOR take Engin 25 and/or 15; Nuc Eng, take NE 24; Bio Eng take BIOE 10; Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, take Comp Sci 61A; Civ Eng, take CE 70 and 92.
3Intended Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences majors should take Computer Science 61A or B. If you took CS 10 in Fall, take CS 61A in Spring; if you took CS 61A, take 61B in Spring.
4The Humanities/Social Science (H/SS) requirement includes two approved reading and composition courses and four additional approved courses, with which a number of specific conditions must be satisfied. Reading and Composition “A” and “B” must be completed by no later than the end of the sophomore year. The remaining courses may be taken at any time during the program. See engineering.berkeley.edu/hss for complete details and a list of approved courses.
5Students can also choose to take Bioengineering 24 or 25 (Aspects and Careers in Bioengineering); CE 92 (Introduction to Civil Engineering); or Engin 93 (Seminar in Energy Engineering). These could be taken in addition to Engin 92. (These one unit courses are an opportunity to learn more about the field/discipline through guest lectures.)
6Students choose these requirements with their engineering student services and faculty advisers based upon their intended major(s).