Miguel Padilla Gomez

Miguel Padilla Gomez

Miguel Padilla Gomez

Pronouns: he/him
Major: Bioengineering ‘24
CCC: Berkeley City College
Post graduate plan: Ph.D. in Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
Fun Fact: I used to skateboard all the time and loved bombing major hills in the city.

Hi, I’m Miguel, and I’m in my final semester at UC Berkeley. I grew up in the Bay Area, originally coming from San Francisco. My major is Bioengineering, with a focus in cell and tissue engineering. I participated in the 2022 T-PREP cohort and returned in 2024 as the Student Engagement Assistant. After Berkeley, I plan to pursue a Ph.D. in developmental and stem cell biology, with the goal of conducting research in reproductive sciences.

Outside of my academic pursuits, I love to cook, bake, and garden. I’m an avid orchid collector and have several species that I love to discuss whenever I get the chance.

I am very excited to be the Lead Transfer Ambassador for the Berkeley Engineering Transfer Center, and I look forward to supporting initiatives that promote student success and belonging in the College of Engineering.