Jason Guardado

Jason GuardadoMajor: Mechanical engineering
Pronouns: he/him/his
Fun fact: I’ve seen the Cloverfield movie 49 times in my life, top tier found footage movie, y’all should check it out!

Hello everyone, my name is Jason and I am a 5th year master’s student studying mechanical engineering. I am from Los Angeles and have proudly been a part of the CAEE community for over 3 years and am excited to continue on with it in my final year (: Some of my interests outside of school (which are a lot) include true crime/urban legend sharing, talking about any favorite books or horror movie I’ve seen, anything related to stationary, thread art, and other pop culture-related talks. Please do not hesitate to come up and chat with me, I’ll be more than happy to procrastinate my work with talking to my fellow peers and potential new friends!