7 Berkeley engineers among 35 top innovators under 35
Five alumni — among seven engineers in all from the college — were named the Top Innovators Under 35 of 2016 by MIT Technology Review.
The alumni are: materials scientist Christine Ho (B.S.’05, M.S.’07, Ph.D.’10 MSE) of Imprint Energy (see page 13); bioengineers Kelly Gardner (Ph.D.’13 BioE) of Zephyrus Biosciences and Dot Laboratories CEO Heather Bowerman (B.S.’06 BioE); and two electrical engineering and computer sciences (EECS) alumni, Alex Hegyi (M.S.’12, Ph.D.’13 CS), now at Xerox’s PARC, and Oriol Vinyals (Ph.D.’13 EECS), now at Google DeepMind. Wei Gao, a postdoctoral researcher in the lab of professor Ali Javey, and newly arrived assistant EECS professor Sergey Levine, former postdoc with EECS professor Pieter Abbeel, also graced the list.
This year’s honorees were featured in the September/October edition of the MIT Technology Review as well as online, and were honored in person at the EmTech MIT fall conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts.